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Feb 23, 2018

Essay on My Favorite Occupation

A life without an aim is like a pilot without training and knowledge. Lack of aim often dupes an individual to a meaningless life.

Many people don’t sleep due to the fire burning in them to achieve a goal. For others, their aim becomes the sole reason for their survival. Everyone should have a crystal clear aim to end-up with a fruitful life.

The occupation that often anticipates and allures me is that of a doctor- an obstetrician/Gynecologist (OB/GYN). I wish to nourish my country by being its servant and ensure the birth of healthy citizens. Since my childhood, I love babies and the adverse palpability of women during pregnancy empathize me. I also possess a strong work ethic i.e. I don’t give up on the job until it’s done with 100% accuracy and precision. These skills make me apt for being a successful doctor. My compassion, humility and confidence add confetti to it. I believe in simple living and high thinking. All that matters to me is to be able to cure people rather than physical temptations like money and gold.

Essay on My Favorite Occupation

The epitome of a great doctor is Acharya Charak (300 BC) who's entitled as ‘the father of medicines’ because of his prolific qualities. His biggest contribution in the field of medical science is “Charak Samhita” which is considered as the encyclopedia of Ayurveda and the principles extended in the book retain their potency even today.

India demands quality. Also, I personally feel that it is the need of the hour that our nation has young dynamic physicians who can accelerate the growth of this industry. A doctor who has hands-on experience, knowledge, possess humility and social skills and is honest with his duty. I wish to become a great doctor and take the responsibility of the healthy growth of this nation.

I wish to provide a hygienic and healthy living to all the citizens of India, irrespective of their living standards. Under the umbrella of a vivid range of occupations, I landed up choosing medical science because it gives an exposure to help people directly and make them happy. Also, it’s a globally recognized field, ensures safe career and facilitates teamwork at every stage of practice.

I’m well aware of the fact that it’s not a cake walk to become a great doctor. But, I’ll develop and take-in all the skills, education and experience required to be a phenomenal doctor.

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