Sep 4, 2015

Essay on A True Muslim

By Ayera Butt (Pakistan)

"Religion has been of pivotal significance since the start of civilization. Islam is a true religion. It is also a complete code of life.

The followers of Islam are called MUSLIMS. A true Muslim is one who follows the principles of Islam. He possesses the following traits.

A muslim has a firm faith in ALLAH. His angels,book,prophets and the day of re-surrection. He also believe in good or bad fate. After having a firm faith, he performs the prayers five times a day. He pays zakat and perform hajj. He fasts during the whole month of Ramazan.

The life of the Muslim reflects the true spirit of Islam. He show faith in his doings. He never violates the golden principles of Islam. His dealings and conduct with the people are always even-handed and fair. His manners and behaviour with the people are always exemplary. He holds high standard of morality. He always remain polite and never harms other. He performs his duties magnificently. He meet all his obligations in respect of his parents,family,relatives and country. A true Muslim never a miser nor spendthrift. He maintains balance between these two extremes. He is thankful to ALLAH in prosperity. He shows patience in adversity. He knows that the joys and sorrows of this world are temporary.He knows that the purpose of his life is to please ALLAH. Knowledge is obligatory in Islam. A true Muslim learns from the lap of his mother to his grave. He is always broad minded. He ponders over the secrets of nature.He never hesitant in adopting and utilizing the modern technology

In short a true Muslim possesses all the positive and constructive qualities. He is beneficial and useful to his family,society and humanity. But in doing all this, he never ignores the true spirit of Islam."


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for your good comments. Your feedback is very important for us.

  2. i like this essay

    1. Thanks for your good comments.

    2. Azra ahmed you had been write the Prophet spell like that (prohet) so please correct it always (p) is capital i hope that you can't mind. Thanku

  3. Indeed, its a very good essay. THANKS for this great help...
    i scored full in my final examination as this essay helped me. THANKS A LOT....

  4. Hahah this essay is from sunshine guide

  5. Good essay! I'm reading this for my exam. It's easy and understandable.

  6. Beautiful Words ... Thank you very much .. :) ... I was in search of some concepts , Now I have done ... :) .

  7. Fabulous essay but its length is very small😯😯

  8. I loved this essay because it used very simple word which did not cause me difficulty in learning and making my concept clear
    It was very effective and brilliant essay

  9. Nice essay but quotetion is only one plzz add more quotation and essay also too short essay

  10. Nice essay but quotetion is only one plzz add more quotation and essay also too short essay

  11. It's good but not enough for 10th class

  12. Sir essay is nice bit add some quotations


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