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Apr 16, 2014

Saving Our Earth Essay For Grade 1

Keywords: save the earth, save earth, how to save the earth, ways to save the earth, save our earth for kids, earth day, earth day activities, what is earth day, earth day facts,water conservation tips, environment.
(155 words )     * Earth is very important planet for us.
*In Hinduism we regard Earth as mother.
*The Earth is in big trouble in this century.
*It is feeling overheated.
*That is why It is sometime not behaving normally with us.

*We have overused our Earth, which is very dangerous.

*We should save energy to save the Earth.

*So we should learn for how to save energy.

*There are many ways to save our Earth.

*Waste products to be recycled.

*We should not keep water tap opened unnecessarily.
* We must plant trees to make our Earth green and cool.

*We must reduce electricity consumption.

*We should avoid use of air conditioner.

*Electric bulb to be switched off when it is not needed.

*Garbage is not to be burnt without any purpose.

*We should also save environment, because it is also a vital part of our Earth.

* Earth day is celebrated on April 22 for protecting environment.


  1. This essay can also be used as "Essay on Earth for Grade/class 1"

  2. We should avoid using CFC I.e. Chloro fluoro carbons which increase global warming


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