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Dec 18, 2011

Courtesy Essay On Courtesy School Essay

'English dictionary online' gives the synonyms and more words related to courtesy, however I find it in an unique way-

Courtesy means gentle and polite behavior in dealing with people in our day to day life.

It is an act of civility and good manners. Courtesy is a great virtue in a man's life. Courtesy demands one to be modest, tasteful and decent in his talking to and behaving with others.   Courtesy is the gift of treating others with warmth and respect. It means according dignity to people by being considerate, responsive, and kind in our dealings with them.

courtesy photo, image picture

Courtesy costs nothing but pays a lot in return. A Courteous person is liked and loved by all. This type of men remains very popular among his friends and relatives. Everybody  have willingness to help him in the time of need .These well behaved courteous people are the foundation of good society and nation. But these days the number of these types of people is less. That is why our society is suffering a lot from ill antisocial activities. It is because Courtesy create great atmosphere of living with coherence. Most of the people whom we come across everyday are generally arrogant, impatient and self centered. They neither love other nor are loved by any of them.

The elders , seniors and parent have big role to make our society and nation courteous and well behaved by imparting and building the parameters of good behavior and courtesy in  younger, subordinate and children respectively. Teachers have also great role to model our students on right path of courtesy. The value of  courtesy must be kept at the priority level in the schools. It also has a monitoring process and regulation from government side to create healthy society.

Where to maintain courtesy:

*At the time of receiving relative we should use polite words. We must avoid any negative comments about the forefront ; which will drag him into uneasy state. We should showcase ourselves with cheers and with warm welcome.

*If we are having tea or food and somebody comes during this time, then we must ask him for having same thing which  are being eaten by us at that time.

*We must avoid rudeness while dealing with newcomers in our city. This sends a strong message of high ethics of our city to the newcomers.

*Please, sorry, welcome, right etc words must be used while reporting or dealing any matter that directly connects one with the other. It is the courtesy of a businessman which raises his reputation among the customers. Her politeness and pleasing feelings is the free package sold here without any cost.

Update is continue.....

Next coming essay: courtesy costs nothing but buys everything essay


  1. thnx to add thz essay ....

    1. Khote da putar bc mc bnda tere gandh mar k paisa b na de _I_ ya le k beth ja harame.....
      rande ka bacha avin bache dekh k jo ha b nae andar sa bacha ha dekh k lan pakrta ho........

    2. Anonymous , Hi how are you?

      Looks like your mom and father have a very a bad family background

      Bhut afssos hoa ke ap ko tarbiyat maa baap ne ap ko aisi di, Allah ap ko or ap ke maa baap ko hidayat ata frmaayie

    3. What wrong have you noticed in this essay. Where is the matter of Hidayat. I am a good muslim , never leave any Namaj, dedicate to jakat and other islamic guidelines. I have memoriesed 19 Suraha of Quran, Never leava single Roja. How have you judged me. Iman is in the heart of a muslim and is never reflected in a business.

    4. actually he or she has said to the one barking above. But great essay.

    5. I am impressed from you

  2. how can i find more material on this essay

    1. You can search on this site for courtesy related words like moral , behaviour etc .

    2. You can search on this site for courtesy related words like moral , behaviour etc .

    3. plz add quotations in this essay

  3. niceeeeeeeeeeeeee

  4. thanks ths heloed me a lot on my essya but dont worry i didint copy it i just wanted to read some ideas of some ppl and i loved how u epressed urself thank u randon person

  5. Thanks for this nice essay....this is very easy☺☺☺☺

  6. courtesy is the icon of school teachers.
    A courteous man is the conquer of stone hearts.
    sometime some students show reluctant attitudes to words teacher. A courteous teacher remain cool and calm .he or she finds the appropriate ways to solve the problem.A courteous meets his or her students with smiling face.A courteous teacher shows friendly behavior He or she creates loving and learning for the development of students A courteous person hsa magical power to conquer the stone hearts......
    Mushtaq Masih Bazmi la salle school and b college faisalabad Pakistan

  7. Thanks a lot
    keep on writing creative work....

  8. Thank u so much to update it I scored good in my exams but I really wanted some quotations

  9. its really too good and it has help me for test......thanks

  10. what is the end of this essay[courtesy]?
    Anyway your essay is perfect.

  11. what is the end of this essay[courtesy]?
    Anyway your essay is perfect.


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