So Independence Day is to commemorate its independence. India became sovereign nation in 1947. The day is a national holiday in India. All over the country, flag-hoisting ceremonies are conducted by the local administration in attendance. The main event takes place in New Delhi, the capital city of India, where the Prime Minister hoists the national flag at the Red Fort and delivers a nationally televised speech from its ramparts. In his speech, he highlights the achievements of his government during the past year, raises important issues and gives a call for further development. The Prime Minister also pays his tribute to leaders of the freedom struggle. The Prime Minister also declares holiday on 15 August. Independence Day in true sense is very close to our heart because it gives us feeling of pride of independence and sovereignty.
Total- 507 Words, This Independence Day Essay is for Class 6, Other Students of class 5,7 or 8 also can use.
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